A Soft Heart: Vulnerability and the Spiritual Journey
In the Christian tradition, the Book of Proverbs describes our heart as 'the wellspring of life', conjuring up in our imaginations the...

Cultivating Compassion
​Most spiritual paths teach that we come close to God when we 'walk in God's ways' - that is when we embody the divine quality of...

Spiritual Life and Our Emotions Part 3 : Practical Prayer
Having looked at some of the benefits and challenges of our emotions in the spiritual life and journey, we can now explore some practical...

Spiritual Life and Our Emotions Part 2 - Spiritual Bypassing
Spiritual bypassing, a term coined by psychologist John Welwood in 1983, is the use of spiritual beliefs and practices to avoid dealing...

Spiritual Life and Our Emotions Part 1
Transformation of our emotion life remains one of the greatest challenges confronting us on our spiritual path. Indeed, perhaps in...