Psychologising our Spirituality
In my on-going explorations of the relationship between spirituality and psychology, I have in past posts reflected on how we can use our...

Letting Go of Toxic God-Images
Spiritual direction conversations often touch into the area of uncovering and letting go of toxic images of God imbibed during life,...

A Soft Heart: Vulnerability and the Spiritual Journey
In the Christian tradition, the Book of Proverbs describes our heart as 'the wellspring of life', conjuring up in our imaginations the...

The Spiritual Journey of Descent
I was recently talking with an Eastern spiritual teacher who felt that Western Christianity had, in Carl Jung's terms, become 'solar'...

Justice in the Eyes of Compassion
There is a little story Metropolitan Anthony tells of a young women put into prison during the Russian Revolution. It explores the issue...

The Spiritual Director as Anam Cara
The Celtic tradition offers us the wonderful notion of anam cara. In Gaelic the word anam means soul and cara is a word for friend. So...

Ethics & Good Practice in Spiritual Direction
I have been involved in a UK project developing an ethical framework for spiritual direction work, which also relates to spiritual...

'The Treasures of Darkness'*: Working with the Shadow in Spiritual Direction
Here is a copy of the recent article I authored for a special Spiritual Direction themed edition of the Franciscan magazine published by...